
Get started for free

Create unlimited pages and components. You're granted a free subdomain at to host your website.

Upgrade to a paid plan to host on a custom domain and internationalize your website with automatic translations.

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Plans & Pricing

Ready to commit to a professional work? Just pick a plan and publish your website on a custom domain.


Frequently Asked Questions

"How the translations work?"

Everything you write in your chosen native language is automatically translated and published to the other supported languages of your website.

"How the texts are translated?"

The translations are made with artificial intelligence, by Open AI's latest model GPT-4o, ensuring state of art translations as it was made by a human.

"Can I edit the automatic translations?"

Yes. If you feel like a translation didn’t come out as desired, you can edit the text of each outputted language.

"What does 2 more languages mean?"

Means that besides your native chosen language, you get another 2 that will be supported by your website, resulting in a total of three languages.

"How many websites can I create?"

You can initially create up to 5 websites per account. This can be increased by subscribing to a paid plan. The Premium plan, for instance, provides 2 additional websites.

"What if I need more domains for my websites?"

You can subscribe to a plan more than once. So, if you need to publish 3 sites to custom domains, you can have 3 separate subscriptions at the same time, providing you with 3 custom domains hosting.

"How many admin users can be invited?"

Similarly to websites count, you can initially invite up to 3 admin users to manage your websites. If you need more, this can be increased by subscribing to a paid plan. The International plan, for instance, provides 2 additional user seats.

"I regreted subscribing, can I have a refund?"

Though we find this scenario really hard to happen, of course you can! We are here to bring you satisfaction with a great product and help you grow your business, not the other way around. You can have a full refund of your subscription with a 7-day money-back guarantee policy.

Ready to Start?

Unlimited pages and content. Start creating your dream website right now.